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Monel K500 : A High-Performance Nickel-Copper Alloy

    Монель К500 (UNS N05500) is an age-hardenable nickel-copper alloy performing well across a wide temperature range. It maintains low magnetic permeability and excellent non-magnetic properties, even at subzero temperatures. Compared to Монель 400, it offers similar corrosion resistance but boasts higher strength and hardness. Additionally, adding aluminum and titanium, followed by controlled heating, significantly boosts its properties.

    Chemical Composition of Monel K500

    Content (%)63.0-70.027.0-33.02.3-3.150.35-0.85≤2.0≤1.5≤0.5≤0.25≤0.01

    Что мы делаем

    KAYSUNS provides a package solutions for piping materials such PIPES, FITTINGS, FLANGES, VALVES in stainless steel, duplex steel and alloy steel etc. We will customize the most suitable products for you. If you have any questions about our company and products, please feel free to contact us.

    Core Advantages of Monel K500

    Monel K500 is precipitation hardened. It has excellent structural strength. This increases the reliability of the parts.

    The alloy is easy to machine. It reduces production costs and saves time. In addition, the machining quality is higher.

    Monel K500 can withstand dynamic loads. It extends equipment life. Customers get more consistent performance.

    This material resists frictional wear. It reduces the frequency of equipment maintenance. As a result, the cost of use is lower.

    Monel K500 has the same corrosion resistance as Монель 400. In addition, it is resistant to acidic atmospheres.

    Mechanical Properties of Monel K500

    ИмуществоTensile Strength (Rm)Yield Strength (Rp0.2)Elongation (A)Hardness (HB)
    Ценить≥1100 MPa≥790 MPa≥15%≥265

    Applications of Monel K500

    • Marine Service: Chains, cables, fasteners, and springs.
    • Химическая обработка: Pump and valve components.
    • Paper Production: Blades and scrapers for pulp processing.
    • Oil and Gas: Drill tools, pump shafts, and impellers.
    • Электроника: Sensors and other components.

    Термическая обработка

    Monel K500 is an age-hardened upgrade of Монель 400, delivering greater strength and hardness. Heat treatment enhances its mechanical properties further. Solution treatment (annealing) dissolves precipitates and restores a single-phase structure. Additionally, stress-relief annealing reduces residual stresses, preventing stress corrosion cracking.
    Monel K500-P1

    Material Standards for Monel K500

    • UNS No. N05500
    • Werkstoff number: 2.4375
    • ASTM Standard: B865
    • DIN Standard: 17750, 17752, 17753, 17754
    • ISO Standard: 6208
    • BS Standard: 3072NA18, 3073NA18, 3075NA18, 3076NA18
    • SAE AMS Standard: 4676
    • NACE Standard: MR-01-75

    Processing and Handling

    It uses heating for hot forming or stress relief. Hot forming occurs between 1600°F and 2100°F. In cold forming, the annealed state offers excellent ductility, though cold working increases hardness.
    It machines easily when annealed or heat-treated. Age-hardened material works best for finishing. For welding, use gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) with Monel 60 filler metal.

    Comparison with Other Materials

    МатериалMajor ComponentsСилаУстойчивость к коррозииProcessabilityTypical Applications
    Монель К500Ni, Cu, Al, TiHighTalentedGoodMarine Equipments,Chemical parts
    Монель 400Ni, CuСреднийTalentedEasierMarine and Chemical Equipments
    Инконель 625Ni, Cr, Mo, V*PerfectHarderHigh Temperature,Aircraft Engines
    * Maintains strength at high temperatures.

    Future Outlook

    As demand for strong, corrosion-resistant materials rises, Monel K500 will grow in importance for marine and chemical applications.

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